Kanaka Jewellers, located on Gurdwara Road in Karol Bagh, Delhi was inaugurated by Union Minister Ramdas Athawale, on this occasion, he said that there was a time price of gold used to be 5-6 thousand but today gold’s price is about 52 thousand rupees, Indian people loves gold very much.  Whether it is love, marriage, engagement or any festival, people consider it very auspicious to buy gold, I call on people to buy Kanaka gold, especially appeal to women, come and buy jewellery of your choice.

The owner of Kanaka Jewellers Mrs Sanchali Dey said that I am a designer, so that people can get the jewellery of their choice, for that I have started this jewelery showroom, this is the first jewellery showroom of a Bengali women in the entire Karol Bagh, you can buy all types of jewellery here, especially brides.  We will get their favorite jewellery designed by our extremely talented designers.

Union Minister Ramdas Athawale and Ashwani Kumar Choubey inaugurated Kanaka Jewellers in Karol Bagh

You can buy all types of Gold, Silver, Platinum, White Gold from here, and keeping in mind every section of the society and their budget, we will make modern jewellery according to everyone’s budget, on the occasion of this inauguration.

Union Minister Ashwani Kumar Choubey was also present. He congratulated the owner of Kanaka Jewelers. Karol Bagh is a well-known market for jewellery from where everyone is eager to shop for jewellery whether they get engaged, get married or on a festival. During this inauguration   Secretary of Kali Bari Mandir, Delhi Shri SwapanGanguly, EX-National Office Secretary, Bjp Kisan Morcha, Shri Sudheer kumarjha and many reputed politicians, businessmen and secretaries of different Member of Parliaments were present there.


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