New Delhi: Sharktank India Contestant Mr. Baldev Jumnani grabs the awards and reorganization for Belly Button Shapper Man of India. The title and content have been created as per the survey done by our editorial team as No harm to the human by using the products of SBJ Cosmo healthcare pvt ltd.

SBJ Cosmo Healthcare Pvt. Ltd- MD- Mr. Baldev and Jayshree Jumnani holds the national book of records for creating a product to maintain the belly button deep and rounded.

Mr. Baldev and Jayshree Jumnani Director SBJ Cosmo Healthcare Pvt. Ltd Nagpur India is appreciated for Innovating the product to maintain the belly button shape deep and rounded. The Concept and the product were found Innovative and out of box by the editorial team of National Book of Achievers.

Commenting on the receiving the National Book of Achievers Mr. Baldev ( said we feel very proud to receive this award, our products have shown a good response from the market. We would also like to thank the team of National Book of Achievers for recognizing us.

About Us-Shrawani Engineers is Nagpur based company. We are in manufacturing and procuring different types of body shaping products.


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